Wednesday, January 30, 2013

News Archive: Bing Crosby's Son Harry Finds Friday The 13th A Bloody Good Omen

From the June 30, 1980 issue of People Magazine; Vol. 13, No. 26

Thanks from Where's Paul from the Camp Blood forum for this.
Possibly even more unsettling to Dad's memory is the role lately taken by another Crosby kid. In this summer's nastiest horror film, Friday the 13th, Bing's namesake, Harry Lillis Crosby III, 21, plays a camp counselor who witnesses various beheadings, garrotings and throat slashings before he himself is bloodily dispatched by a homicidal archer after a game of strip Monopoly. The Old Man would be more aghast if he knew that the nonstop gore helped Friday earn $27 million in its first month alone. Worse, young Harry found all the mayhem "an awful lot of fun."