Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Son of Gorney

Someone emailed me this fella's info on the right. Apparently, he is Walt Gorney's son and I looked up info on him and he used to love in New York (as Walt did) and now resides in the South. he is 65, so Walt may have had him in his 40s.

I am trying to contact him and see if he is indeed Walt's son. I think he'd be great to speak to especially if he has some things on his father and his Friday the 13th role.

If anyone has any info, shoot me an email at

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

News Archive: Bing Crosby's Son Harry Finds Friday The 13th A Bloody Good Omen

From the June 30, 1980 issue of People Magazine; Vol. 13, No. 26

Thanks from Where's Paul from the Camp Blood forum for this.
Possibly even more unsettling to Dad's memory is the role lately taken by another Crosby kid. In this summer's nastiest horror film, Friday the 13th, Bing's namesake, Harry Lillis Crosby III, 21, plays a camp counselor who witnesses various beheadings, garrotings and throat slashings before he himself is bloodily dispatched by a homicidal archer after a game of strip Monopoly. The Old Man would be more aghast if he knew that the nonstop gore helped Friday earn $27 million in its first month alone. Worse, young Harry found all the mayhem "an awful lot of fun."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Petru Popescu: The Return

Touted as Romania's most famous "opposition" writer, most Friday the 13th fans know him as the uncredited  co-writer of Friday the 13th: Part III. Little is know how much of the Part III script he wrote, but hopefully we will know when he appears on the Crystal Lake Memories documentary.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Friday the 13th on HBO in 1982

T.V. Guide advertisements for the HBO Premier of Friday the 13th in 1982. 

"Scream bloody murder at this horror smash, starring Betsy Palmer."

New John Shepherd Article

He triumphed in suburban theater. Killed Jason in slasher flicks. Left the business and found God. Then returned and became a movie studio executive.

The career path of Glen Ellyn native John Shepherd has as many twists as a Hollywood movie, but he says it's been a rewarding journey.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Friday the 13th Props Cameo

People probably rarely notice small set dressing and props in certain scenes of movies. But us Friday the 13th fans are notorious for knowing these movies frame by frame.

In Friday the 13th: Part III you can see a sign hanging near the clotheslines that says Look Out For The Locomotive when Edna is being watched by Jason.

Notice the Look Out For The Locomotive sign above Edna's head

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy #87 Ted White!

It's widely know that Ted White was the oldest actor to have portrayed Jason Voorhees when he took the role in 1983 to be behind the mask in Friday the 13th: Part IV. Even at an older age (57) he put on the hockey mask and kicked ass, performing (as far as I know) every stunt in the movie.

Debbie Evans, Melanie Kinnaman's Stunt Double

The very attractive stunt woman, Debbie Evans, who doubled for Pam in Friday the 13th: Part V (A New Beginning), most memorably the barn fight scene with Roy Burns, is one of the most sought after motorcycle stunt woman in the business and has done over 200 movies. She is also a very nice woman.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jori at Forced Viewing Speaks to Ted White

Jori with Ted White at Flashback Weekend, 2012
from: Forced Viewing
All I've gotta say is that I love this man. Ted may not be a genre fan like Kane Hodder or Derek Mears, but this is a man who really appreciates and loves his fans even if he is not a fan of horror movies at all. What you get is a no bullshit attitude from Ted, but always a smile and a grateful attitude.

Jori from spoke to Ted in November while at Flashback Weekend and he had a lot to say. In the conversation he goes into detail about reading (yes, reading) for the role as Jason and turning down the job, only to reconsider when he heard a "chi-ching."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Professor Kerry Noonan Discussing: Rough Magic

Directed by Kerry Noonan and performed by four Champlain College students, Rough Magic is a compilation woven of various Shakespeare pieces, all with the theme of magic or disguise.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Friday the 13th: Part III 3-D Advert From 1982!

Friday the 13th: Part III utilized a new 3-D technique that used silver screens instead of the normal white. Friday the 13th: Part III became the most lucrative 3-D film of all time and that remained until Sky Kids 3-D and of course slaughtered by numerous movies since the recent 3-D craze in Hollywood.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Webster Whinery, Todd McBride's Stunt Double in Friday the 13th: Part II

Tom McBride (Mark) in Friday the 13th: Part II
Webster Whinery taking a ride for Tom McBride

Friday, January 18, 2013

Part III's Paul Kratka and Tracie Savage Reunite in The Bone Garden (2013) as Norman and Alice Hardy

Director Mike Gutridge and Tracie Savage
from: The Bone Garden
Here's a neat little film in post-production starring some Friday the 13th familiars. The plot sounds really entertaining and the trailer also looks pretty good. The movie was written and directed by Mike Gutridge and  stars Tracie Savage as Alice Hardy, Paul Kratka as Norman Hardy and Ron Millkie as Detective Meeker. The story takes place in Carpenter County, an obvious nod to John Carpenter and also a nearby-place spoken about in Friday the 13th: Part VI.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Friday the 13th: Part VII Shooting Location

GeneralLeeFanatic from the forum recently made a trip to Stockton, Alabama to visit the shooting location of Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Obviously all that's left is the lake, some remnants of a dock and a firetruck (appears to be the one used in the movie) rusting into the ground. The two homes used in the movie were only shells without any interiors. All of the exteriors were shot in Alabama and the interiors in various places in California.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Todd Caldecott: Nutritionist, Author... Jason Victim!

Todd Shaffer aka Todd Caldecott

Todd Caldecott (Friday the 13th: Part VIII) (credited as Todd Shaffer) is now an author of at least three critically acclaimed books on nutrition and a Medical Nutritionist in Canada. Who would have thought the care-free prankster Jim from Jason Takes Manhattan had it in him!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Which Came First?

Well, obviously we know The Wind (also known as Edge of Terror) had this artwork first since the star of The Wind, Meg Foster, is depicted in the artwork. But strangely enough, The Wind was released in the USA in November of 1987 and Friday the 13th: Part V was of course released in 1985. However, this is the poster for the theatrical run in Turkey, which started January of 1987. So that being said, this poster was released to theaters (probably) January of 1987 when The Wind wasn't released until November. So, perhaps the direct-to-video The Wind had its cover art long before its release.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What Became of the Hired-Then-Fired Jason Voorhees, Dan Bradley?

Dan Bradley has only gone on to become the most sought after action-scene stunt coordinators. Long gone are the days where he was fired from an acting and stunt job as Jason Voorhees for being too 'portly.' Bradley has since done some very large-scale action movies, most notable the Bourne series.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Derek Mears talks Gangster Squad

Derek Mears
from: Next Movie
Here's a neat interview with Mr. Jason 2009 himself from Next Movie where he speaks about his upcoming film Gangster Squad where he works alongside Sean Penn, Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling-- sorta. I suspect that his role in Goon Squad is small and this interview was poking fun at that.

Actor/comedian/goon-for-hire Derek Mears is a student of history, a man who clearly respects the goons who came before him while looking at himself as a role model for a new generation of goons being ushered in. His dedication shines through in the new shoot-em-up "Gangster Squad," in which Mears appears opposite Sean Penn, Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling in the vital role of "Bridge Goon."

A Conversation with Darcy DeMoss

The beautiful Ami Dolenz with Darci 

One of the most unsung beauties of the entire Friday the 13th franchise, Darcy DeMoss (Friday the 13th: Part VI and nearly Part V) is one of the lost loyal to her fans and as far back as I can remember, always has been.

Here's a pretty in-depth interview with her, covering most of her more well-known roles.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kirsten Baker at Blood on the Beach Convention, 2012

Kirsten Baker and JOresky at Blood on the Beach
from: PopSafari 
JOresky shared some convention photos of his visit to the Blood on the Beach convention in Virginia Beach, and one of the photos caught my eye. It was the photo of he and the beloved Kirsten Baker of Friday the 13th: Part II. I can't say she is a "favorite" actress of mine, but I do really love a lot of the movies that she was in like Teen Lust, Gas Pump Girls, California Dreaming, and of course Friday the 13th: Part II. She seems to have stopped acting around 1987, so her resume is short.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Two Jason IV Busts

from: Night Owl Forum member: The Death Curse 

If I was still collecting this would have been at the top of my list. It was made from the screen-used face appliances, a bit of tooling and re-sculpting by Ryan "The Death Curse"  and limited to 20 pieces and I believe blanks sold for $225. Hands-down, the BEST Part IV likeness that has ever been made and rightfully so, since it was cast from the exact appliances that Ted White wore in Friday the 13th: Part IV.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jimmy Stewart and Kimberly Beck, 1959

A not-so-rare photo of Kimberly Beck as a child actress with Jimmy Stewart, but it is great nonetheless. Beck was a child actress that started acting as young as 2 years old.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lost Tiffany Helm Interviews From 2000 & 2003

Tiffany Helm (fourth from right) as Violet in Friday the 13th: Part V
I just thought I would post these great q&a sessions with Tiffany Helm from long before she has come out and done interviews. In my eyes, these are pretty classic.

This first interview was conducted by Erik Nash from the long-gone website.

How did you first get started in the acting business? 
Most of my family was involved in the industry in one form or another. While I was raised by my mom, who was a successful actress, I decided that acting was too unstable of a career and I would do something else. When I was 18, I signed on with a modeling agency, in hopes of supplementing an income while I was going to school. Quirky looks were not "in" back then, so my modeling agency encouraged me to try commercials. Feeling that commercial acting was not like theatrical acting, I gave it a try. I started booking and my commercial agency started finding little theatrical auditions for me. Well, I started booking those too and then I was in. I gave up trying to do school and acting, when I booked the Robert Altman film, O.C. and Stiggs. The experience of a location shoot with a director like Bob and an extremely talented cast got me hooked.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Who Killed Tina and Eddie in Friday the 13th: Part V?

Roy Burns gives Tina (Debi-Sue Voorhees) a headache
Some things John Robert Dixon and Debi-Sue Voorhees has said made me think about this. In a 2012 interview Debbie-Sue said that she wasn't sure of the actor's name, but "I think his name could’ve been Tom. I do remember when I looked up it was a sweet guy with red hair, red beard  looking down at me with a big smile on his face – honestly I don’t remember his name but I do remember him being very sweet, and I had a hard time not laughing cause he was just ‘hi’!”

On Location in Blairstown News

from: released one of the never-before-seen photos that will make it to the new David Grove book On Location in Blairstown: The Making of Friday the 13th a long with some words from Grove himself on doing this book as a follow up to Legend of Camp Blood.

When asked why he wanted to revisit "Friday the 13th," Grove told Riverside Horror, "my goal with this book was to write one of the most detailed books ever written about the making of a single film, which in this case is the first 'Friday the 13th' film; a book that would match other great books in the genre, like Stephen Rebello's 'Psycho' book and David A. Szulkin's book on the making of 'Last House on the Left.' I feel I have succeeded." [...]

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Beyond Horror Design's Friday the 13th Grindhouse Posters

Here are some Friday the 13th posters Beyond Horror Design made up. They do commissioned work and have an entire blog of projects including many classics, Grindhouse, video nasties and exploitation films.

Joan Freeman CEO of Suicide Prevention House

Joan Freeman at Pieta House
Most of us diehard fans knew that Joan Freeman (Friday the 13th: Part IV) was living in Ireland, but did we know what she was doing there. Apparently, she is the CEO (and founder) of a suicide crisis and self-harm prevention group called Pieta House in Limerick, Ireland.

I found a great article on the house and how it offers its services free of charge.

Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Beginning Community Screening

Just a reminder since it's officially less than a week away; Friday the 13th Franchise website will be hosting a community screening of the late Danny Steinmann's Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning in memory of his passing last month.

Saffron, Where Art Thou

Saffron Henderson (Friday the 13th: part VIII) played my favorite character in the movie and was a movie crush for me for a very long time. She had a role in the Fly II about the same time Jason Takes Manhattan came out. Since then she has become a very popular voice-over actress doing films such as Dragon Ballz, X-Men (TV), Robocop (TV) and many video games. But not a lot of people know that she is indeed a singer (her music can be found on her website) and comes from a family of singers.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Savini and Buechler Spottings

So, living close to Los Angeles I get to see some of the legendary Friday the 13th filming locations on Topanga Canyon Blvd, Green Valley, Newhall and Saugus. But I also see some people from the films from time to time. Here are a couple interesting sightings I had recently. I saw John Carl Buechler (SFX; Friday the 13th: Part VII) in Starbucks in North Hollywood and Tom Savini (SFX; Friday the 13th: Part IV) at LAX when I was arriving in LA.

Dana Kimmell's Stunt Double Marguerite Happy

from: Teddy O'Toole's Stunt Performers
Marguerite is still an active stunt woman and director of a professional rodeo circuit out of Saugus, California - where Part III was filmed. She did Dana Kimmell's fall from the window in Friday the 13th: Part III when she was being attacked by Jason as well as the stand-in and stunt performer in the (maybe, maybe not filmed) alternate ending to the movie where Chris is beheaded.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rachel Howard Today

We all loved her as the bong-toking Chili in Friday the 13th: Part III. Today she still has the same beautiful hazel eyes and killer chiseled smile. I personally feel she is a greatly underrated Friday the 13th girl and is generally passed over because of her not-so-amazing hair style in the movie. In my opinion, she was one of the best looking girls in the franchise.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Deborah "Debi-Sue" Voorhees Selling Nude Pics to Fund UK Visit

from: Misty Moon
Since a good majority of the hits on this blog come here from a keyword associated with Deborah (Debisue) Voorhees (no kidding, there's a lot) I wanted to give her a nice plug. These old photos of Deborah are downright stunning and a must have for any fan.

Would Jason Kill a Child?

Friday the 13th: Part IV
It seems like every board I go on that debates the Friday the 13th films, this subject is discussed. Most people side with the notion that Jason would not kill a child. I am not sure why people come up with this conclusion, since most of those people will agree that Jason is a mindless killer who's driven out of vengeance and evil (whether possessed or an embodiment).